Street Reach Easter Holiday Project

Starting this Easter, Winchester Street Reach will be providing youth clubs and projects over the school holidays. Based at Unit 12 in Winnall, the Holiday Project will include a range of active, creative and inspiring activities as well as offsite trips and a hot or cold meal each day.

Led by our team of friendly and experienced youth workers, we will have space each day to chill out, chat and provide information and support on topics including healthy eating and nutrition; friendships and bullying; smoking and vaping; relationships and sexual health; alcohol and drug awareness; mental health.

Holiday project is for young people aged 11 – 17 years (year 6 and up) from Winchester and the surrounding areas.

Dates:  Monday 3rd – Thursday 6th April 2023

*Dates can be booked individually or in a block.

Times: 10 am – 2 pm*

*Transport available, pick-up & drop-off times from 9am – 10 am / 2pm – 3pm.                                                  

Address: Unit 12 community centre, Winnall Valley road, Winnall, Winchester, SO23 0LD

Cost: Funded by Hampshire County Council the holiday project is aimed at young people who are eligible for Free School Meals. Spaces are limited* and available on a first come first serve basis.

*Small number of spaces also available for young people who are not on Free School Meals.

How to book:

If you’d like to book your young person onto Holiday Project please complete the online form through the link here.

If you’d prefer a paper form, text or call us on: 07493 014 864.

Easter 2023 timetable

Mon 3rd April Spring/easter theme
No cook baking!
Egg drop-challenge & easter crafts!
Boxing workshop with Winchester amateur boxing club (TBC)  
Tues 4th April Offsite trip
Crab wood and picnic areaBBQ picnic lunchRounders and wide games in the woods.  
Weds 5th April Ready steady cook: Fakeaway challenge!
Cooking workshop with Munch cicTeam up and cook up your own ‘fake away’ meals using items from the Community food pantry at Unit 12!  
Thurs 6th April Urban & Street arts workshop
DJ workshop
Rap & lyric writing
Street Dance with integr8 dance
Graffiti art
End of week party!  
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